Men’s Skin Vs. Women’s Skin: Differences To Know About And How To Build Your Ideal Routine By Jenny Leazer

Do you know what your skin needs based on your individual type and concerns? Today we are breaking down some of the basics you need to know!

A point of confusion for many people when it comes to skin care is whether or not men and women need different routines. To clear up any misconceptions, it can be helpful to understand that while men’s and women's skin are mostly very alike, there are a few subtle ways in which they differ.

For example, men’s skin tends to be thicker, feature a more rough texture, have larger pores and produce more oil. It also tends to age a bit slower, as a result of these factors. Meanwhile, a woman’s skin will be smoother and softer, but produce less oil and require just a bit more care in order to maintain healthy moisture levels and prevent signs of premature aging.

With this in mind, you can still use the above guidelines to build your routine, then begin to customize based on your skin’s needs with the proper products.

The Basics: What Every Skincare Routine Needs

When building your perfect daily ritual for skin health, a great place to start is with a few simple steps needed to support your skin holistically. These include: cleansing for removing dirt and debris from the skin, exfoliation to encourage cellular turnover, hydration to promote healthy moisture levels, and sun protection to prevent UV damage. So what does this look like for men vs. women? Here is what we recommend:

For Him: An Ideal Routine For Men

● Cleansing: For addressing skin that produces more oil, men’s skin will respond best to gel-based or foaming cleanser formulas that promote balance. Avoid using ordinary bar soap, as most soap formulas tend to strip the skin of moisture.

● Exfoliation: For skin that is thicker and more textured, men can benefit from using both physical exfoliants such as brushes or face scrubs, as well as chemical exfoliants which are often found in active cleansers or a mask containing alpha or beta-hydroxy acid ingredients.

● Hydration: Although men’s skin has more oil, you will still need to moisturize to prevent dryness or a damaged barrier. Look for lightweight formulas with ingredients such as aloe, and hyaluronic acid, which will hydrate the skin without clogging pores.

● Protection: Both men and women need sun protection, so be sure to apply daily as the last step of your routine. Mineral sunscreens may work best for men, as they are more mattifying and won’t add excess oil to the skin.

For Her: Everyday Skincare For Women

● Cleansing: For removing makeup, product residue and everyday debris, most women’s skin will benefit from creamy or oil-based cleansing formulas, which will help nourish the skin and infuse added moisture.

● Exfoliation: Because women’s skin tends to be more delicate, chemical exfoliants tend to work best for women’s skin. These include alpha and beta-hydroxy acids, as well as enzymes. Although physical exfoliants and scrubs can also be used, you may need them less frequently.

● Hydration: Although some women will have a naturally oily skin type, incorporating moisture and hydration is a must for all skin types. The more dry your skin tends to be, the more you may want to opt for heavier creams, with ingredients such as shea butter, squalane oil, and others that lock in moisture.

● Protection: As with men’s skin, women should also emphasize sun protection to prevent breakdown of collagen and elastin, as well as prevent sun damage. Mineral sunscreens as well as chemical sunscreens can be used, depending on your preference, or you can look for a mixture of both, as long as they provide broad spectrum protection.

Shop everything you need to create your ideal skincare regime for him or her at Jessica's Skincare Lab

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