Sun Care Savvy: Why Everyone Needs SPF + Our Tips For Getting UV Protection Right By Jenny Leazer

Does your skincare collection include SPF? Although it’s not the most exciting step in the routine, sun protection is easily the most crucial and one that should never be skipped.

So why exactly is SPF so incredibly important? There are actually many reasons, starting with the prevention of permanent damage and certain cancers. All skin types require protection from sun exposure which is the leading cause of skin cancer.

Even if you are someone who rarely burns, sunscreen will still be your best line of defense against UV radiation, which is what contributes to accelerated skin aging and associated concerns – including dullness, dryness, sun spots, fine lines, and sagging skin.

In other words, SPF is essential for keeping your skin healthy, happy, and glowing long-term. If you are someone who struggles to include this step in your routine, here’s what we recommend:

Our Top Five Tips For Sun Protection Success

Tip #1: Choose a sunscreen you actually like
Let’s be honest. You’re more likely to use a product if you like the way it smells, and how it feels on your skin. If you don’t love the first product (or ten) that you try, don’t be discouraged, and don’t settle. Just move on and keep experimenting until you find The One.

Tip #2: Test out multiple types
These days, there are so many options for sun protection that there’s really no excuse not to find your perfect match. SPF products come in cream form, solid sticks, powders, spray-on formulas, and even protective clothing, depending on your preference. You may also find it helpful to try different formulas – mineral, chemical, or a mix of the two – to see what works best for your skin.

Tip #3: Make it your last step before makeup
To make sure that you get all the protection you need, your SPF product should always be the last step of your skincare routine after moisturizer and before any makeup. Although some moisturizers and foundations contain low levels of SPF, they often don’t provide the adequate amount of coverage needed to reap the preventative benefits.

Tip #4: Keep at least one SPF option in your purse
Because SPF products only protect the skin for a limited time, re-applying at regular intervals is a must. If you are frequently on the go, it’s a good idea to keep a backup sunscreen in your purse, tote, gym bag, or backpack. Experts recommend lathering up every two hours, throughout the day, especially if you are spending a lot of time outdoors.

Tip #5: Apply daily and year-round
A common misconception about SPF is that you only need it on hot and sunny days, but this is false. The reality is that the sun's rays can penetrate clouds and even glass windows any day of the year. In fact, wintery conditions may be some of the worst for UV exposure, as the sun’s rays can be reflected and amplified by snow on the ground.
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